Saturday 1 December 2018

Qurani Dua to ask forgiveness for the parents and for the all believers

Bismillahr Rahman
✦ Qurani Dua to ask forgiveness for the parents and for the all believers

رَبَّنَا اغْفِرْ لِي وَلِوَالِدَيَّ وَلِلْمُؤْمِنِينَ يَوْمَ يَقُومُ الْحِسَابُ
✦ Rabbana Agfirlee Waliwalidaeeya Wa lilmumeenina Yauma Yaqaumul hisab

✦ Al Quran : Our Lord ! Forgive me and my parents, and (All) the believers on the Day when the reckoning will be established. 
Surah Ibrahim (14) , Verse 41

✦ Hadith : The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wasallam said, Your Lord, Most High, is pleased with His servant when he says: "Forgive me my sins." He know that no one forgives sins except Him
Sunan Abu Dwud, Book 14, 2596-Sahih

from Quran Aur Hadees

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