Sunday 2 December 2018

Due to the time of praying for hard work

Bismilahir rahmanirrahim 
✦ Narrated By Anas bin malik Radi allahu anhu , the Prophet Sal-Allahu Alaihi Wasallam used to recite this dua 
اللّهُـمَّ لا سَـهْلَ إِلاّ ما جَعَلـتَهُ سَهـلاً، وَأَنْتَ تَجْـعَلُ الْحَـزَنَ إِذا شِـئْتَ سَهـْلاً 
Allahumma la sahla illa ma ja'altu sahla,wa'anta taj-alul hazna iza shiata sahla
(O Allah!There is nothing easy expect what You make easy,and You make the difficult easy if it be Your Will

Sahih Ibn Hibban , 2427

from Quran Aur Hadees

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