Saturday 10 September 2016

Mfahum-e-Hadith: Zuma on the day of Rasool-Allah Sllllhualahi Ziada Prophet sent to do Ziada Durud

✦ Mfahum-e-Hadith: Zuma on the day of Rasool-Allah Sllllhualahi Ziada Prophet sent to do Ziada Durud
✦ Hzrat  AVS bin Aws Allhu Radi Allah Anhu narrated from the Messenger-Prophet by Sllllhualahi Farmaya all of you on this day of days, the deposit is the day of the Afazl Hzrt alaihi salaam Adam was born the same day, and his soul was Kbz Sun blew all day the day will be sedated so Roz (Zuma) Durud Ziada sent me to do because your Durud Pdana Ziada is served on me, the people said or how you Rsullllah Sllllhualahi Prophet Our Durud Pdana so, while you may have been present from the soil, so you Sllllhualahi Prophet Farmaya the body of Karam Anbiya Allaah has forbidden at the Mititi. 
Sunnbudwud, vol 1,1035 (al) 
✦ solli ala Aali Muhammad as Sallu ala Ibrahim Abraham ala Aali Innaka hamidum Majid. 
Allahumma baarik Ala ala Aali Muhammad as baarakta ala Ibrahim Abraham ala Aali Innaka hamidum Majid.
Avg Avg Bin ✦ Hazrat Rasool-Allah Slllalhu Rdi Allaho alaihi Anhu narrated from the Prophet said to all of you on this day of days, Zuma is the day of the Afzal alaihi salaam Adam was born on the same day and their spirit were constipation Tyre breathed the same day will be the day so all unconscious Rose (Zuma) sent me Durud do Jiada from Jiada Kyunki is served on me reading your Durud, said Rasool-Allah or Prophet alaihi Slllalhu read our Durud while you will be presenting on how you may have dust, you lock the Ambia Kram Slllalhu alaihi Prophet said Allah has forbidden to bury the body. 
Sunan Abu Davood dermatitis 1.1035 - right
✦ Narrated By Aws radi allahu anhu The Prophet peace_be_upon_him said: Among the most excellent of your days is Friday; on it Adam was created, on it he died, on it the last trumpet will be blown, and on it the shout will be made, so invoke more blessings on me that day, for your blessings will be submitted to me. The people asked: Apostle of Allah, how can it be that our blessings will be submitted to you while your body is decayed? He replied: Allah, the Exalted, has prohibited the earth from consuming the bodies of Prophets. 
Sunan Abu Dawud, Book 3, No.1042 (Sahih)

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