Tuesday 18 December 2018

Dua e Noor-to get Noor (light) in heart and body

Bismillahir rahmanirrahim
✦ Dua e Noor-to get Noor (light) in heart  and body
✦ The Prophet (ﷺ) used to say in his dua,
Allahumma Ajal fi qalbi noora, 
wa fi basari noora, 
wa fi samii noora, 
wa an yamini noora, 
wa an yasari noora, 
wa fawqi noora, 
wa tahti noora, 
wa amami noora, 
wa khalfi noora, 
waj'al li noora.
O Allah ! place light in my heart, 
place light in my eyesight,
place light in my hearing,
place light on my left,
place light on my right,
place light above me, 
place light below me,
place light in front of me, 
place light behind me, 
O Allah! grant me light.
Sahih Bukhari, Book 75, Hadith 328

from Quran Hadees https://ift.tt/2rGZnjb

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